How to Stick to a Workout Routine

It's not always easy to workout on a consistent basis. There is always this so called life that gets in the way. We will find a million excuses to put off working out. Whether it's the house needs to be cleaned, or you have plans to go out with your girlfriends for happy hour, or you have no babysitter to watch the kids therefore you can't go to the gym. You just have to find a way to put working out to the top of your list and make it a priority ... If you have plans for happy hour tonight, then wake up an hour earlier and squeeze in that workout in the morning before you go to work. Or if you're home with the kids without a babysitter, then just do a home workout and maybe include the kids and make it fun. WIth that said, I'd like to share a few tips that help me stay active and keep my workouts a priority.

1. Set a Goal

And I don't mean any goal but specifically a small goal. It's easier to accomplish smaller goals than to work towards a big goal which most times doesn't even get achieved. Attaining smaller goals keeps you more motivated and on track to success.

For example, instead of saying I'm going to workout 5 days this week, set a goal for 3 days. And if you do more, then, hey way to go!

2. Go in With a Plan

Be prepared for your workouts: 

Lay out your workout clothes the day before. Have a playlist of songs that you love that will get you pumped up. Write out your entire workout on your phone so you know exactly what you're doing. This will save you time (you don't have to think about what to do once your doing your workout) and will keep you from getting distracted. All in all you'll get a better workout if its written out.

3. Workout in the Morning

This may not work for everyone, but for me, if I don't workout in the morning then it's really hard to commit to a workout later in the day. And again, it will be easier to find an excuse to not workout later in the afternoon. I also have more energy in the morning. It's easier to just wake up and do your workout without even thinking about the day ahead. Just get it done as your first task of the day!

4. Find a Workout Buddy

I know you've heard this before. But working out with a friend can really help. You can motivate each other and stay accountable. Besides it can be really fun and a great bonding experience. And these days you can have a virtual workout buddy. You don't even have to be both physically present together for a workout. Just find a way (FaceTime, text, etc) to cheer each other on.

5. Sign up for a Class

Classes whether it's yoga, pilates, studio classes, spinning, you name it, are great because you don't have to think you just show up and follow instructions. But the key, is to sign up for them (if they offer that option) in advance. This way you stay accountable to commit to a workout class! Better yet, find classes that you enjoy and sign up for the whole week. This way you know that, for instance, I have planned classes for Monday/Wednesday/Friday.

So that's my short and sweet list of things that help me stay on track.  Remember it doesn't happen overnight. Consistency and the little progress overtime is what gets you results.


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