10 Things You May Not Know About Me

Besides being a fitness junkie, a health conscious eater and a new mommy. There are a few things you may not know about me. So here is the list ...

1. I was born in Kazakhstan and moved here when I was 8 years old with my mom and 2 suit cases. Then 6 months later my dad and brother came. It was definitely a big change to my life, especially not knowing any English. I remember going to school (5th grade) and crying everyday because I couldn't understand anything, but I quickly picked it up. Talk about learning a new language. Just submerge yourself in it and you'll have no choice but to learn it :)

2. I was a Rhythmic Gymnast since the day I was born, mostly because my mom is a coach, until about 12 years old. I had to stop because I had a hip injury, for which I had to get surgery, but it prevented me from practicing any further. 

3. I really, truly enjoy to eat salads. Not just because they are healthy and good for you but because they are delicious. I just love the taste of vegetables. 

4. I am obsessed with this snack: thin rice cakes, almond butter and frozen banana. It is SO good! If you haven't tried it, you are missing out. It tastes like desert to me and satisfies that craving. Which leads me to my next point. 

5. I am team sweet tooth. Give me all the chocolate, brownies, cookies, ice cream ... I will eat it. Well, within limits and moderation of course. I make sure to not deprive myself and treat myself to those kind of things once in a while. Because life is so much "sweeter" that way, pun intended. 

6. So you can see from the previous point that I don't eat 100% clean. I actually don't know if anyone ever eats 100% clean, if so I would like to meet that person and pick their brain. With all the options we have with food, its nearly impossible to have a diet 100% clean and healthy. I just think you gotta indulge once in a while, no matter how big of a health nut you are. 

7. My favorite food is sushi. I love raw fish! I gotta have it at least once per week. We usually order it and pick it up for a Friday dinner date night-in. 

8. Ok, this one is a weird one but ... I hate going to bed if my feet are dirty. Meaning, if I've been walking around in flip-flops or barefoot I gotta wash my feet before bed. It's like washing your face, you feel nice and relaxed after doing it. 

9. I didn't really like kids until I had one of my own. Now, I can't even watch TV and see a baby or child get hurt in any way, my heart just breaks. It's the most amazing and rewarding feeling to raise a child, and is a love beyond measure. I feel so blessed and fortunate to have the opportunity to be a mama. It's the best. 

10. I went Vegan for 6 months straight. Yep, a complete diet change but I did it with my husband and I loved it. It was definitely a challenge at first, primarily because of trying to figure out how to eat and cook in a new and different way.  But it led us to try new food and restaurants, which we really enjoyed and loved. Ever since, I've been trying to limit my meat intake, and I already have taken most dairy out of my diet. So I take it one day at a time.

So there you have it, a little something about me that you might not have known. Please share below something unique about you, I would love to know :)


My Self Tanning Routine