10 Newborn Must Haves

As a first time mama, I was pretty overwhelmed by the amount of baby products out there. Not knowing exactly what I would be needing, every product seemed like a must. Although I've done a lot of research in preparation for Isabella's arrival, it was a trial and error that made me realize what really was a necessity and what was useless and/or gimmicky. Here is a list of what I absolutely loved and think that any parent out there can benefit from. Most importantly, make your life a bit easier.


This one is a must. As you may know, infants need that snug feeling to be replicated outside of the womb. They also have the startle reflex for quite a while, and swaddling really helps with all of that. I went through so many swaddles and settled on just a few that worked great. Oh, and by the way, I would not recommend buying those muslin swaddle blankets unless you plan on using them for anything other than swaddling because they don't work. Infants are strong and are little houdini's that manage to constantly get out of the swaddles, which is why I love the velcro ones such as Swaddle Me ( Link Here ) and The Ollie's World ( Link Here ). They are super easy to use, and the velcro is strong and does the job right. Even after multiple washes in the washing machine, the velcro is good as new and doesn't weaken.


I could not imagine trying to trim my baby's nails with a file or worse, nail clippers. I'm so glad I got the electric nail trimmer from (click on this link --> Amazon). It is the easiest and safest way to do it! It comes with different attachments based on baby's age, so you really can't hurt them on accident.


Another great way to mimic a baby's sleep environment similar to the womb is with a sound machine that plays white noise. Inside the womb its pretty loud. Your baby is constantly hearing your blood rushing throughout the body. Therefore, turning on that white noise will help a baby sleep much better and it helps to drawn out background noise such as barking dogs or loud TV. I really like the Marpac Hushh White Noise Sound Machine. Click on link to check it out. It's great because its also portable, and runs off a re-chargeable battery. I love using it on the go as well, especially when Isabella sleeps in the car in her carseat. And don't worry, according to research they are perfectly safe! Just don't blast them super loud and right next to your baby's ears.


Ok, this little silicone pump is the best invention ever. It's especially great if you are looking to establish a milk supply in the freezer right away. I would use it to collect my let down on one side while my baby was breastfeeding on the other side. It's super easy to use. It's just one little collection "cup" that stays put once attached to the breast. It's so easy when they are newborns especially because they don't move much when they eat. If I try to use it now, forget it, it's like feeding a monkey on my breast these days. I was able to collect so much milk this way without even really trying. Just YouTube a tutorial for it to learn how to use it. 


I love using the Boppy PILLOW for breastfeeding in my rocking chair. I used it with Isabella for a very long time, even past 6 months. It's also great to use as a back support for when they're starting to sit. On the other hand, the Boppy LOUNGER is great as well because I could put her in it anywhere I'd like her to be next to me, whether i'm sitting on the couch or at a table (of course with constant supervision), she's comfortably lounging near me. She also loved napping in it sometimes, in those first few months. Even by six months, she still loved lounging in it. 


I loved using the boba wrap for the first several months and Isabella loved it as well. There are so many different wraps out there, so it's really a personal choice. It was nice because I could keep her all snug and close to me while having my hands free. She could nap in it while I was able to get some things done around the house. It has also come in handy a few times when she was really fussy. I'd place her in the wrap and she would calm down instantly.


Now, for this I've heard a lot of mixed reviews. It's definitely not a must, but I've loved using it. Isabella was born in the winter, so I felt like it really helped make those diaper changes a bit more pleasant. I just thought, if I had to use cold wipes all over my bottom, that would not feel good. Many people say don't use a wipe warmer because your baby will get used to it. Fortunately, if we are changing the diaper on the go, she really does not have a problem with a cold wipe.


I love using the Nose Frida when Isabella has a lot of wet mucus. It's a great tool because it's so easy to use and you can easily take it apart and clean the whole thing. Plus, it comes with a filter that you have to change out to keep it hygienic. The Oogiebear is a little nose picker that you can use on hard stuck-on boogies. It's safe and effective.


My baby would constantly have a dry nose, especially during the winter months when it was super dry. I regularly used the Fridababy Saline spray to keep that little nose moist and prevent it from getting stuffy.


My baby was a decent sleeper. She wasn't a bad sleeper nor was she a great "sleep all night" sleeper. At two months, we were waking up 1-2x per night for feedings. We didn't do official sleep training until she was five months old. I highly recommend using the @TakingCaraBabies approach. Here's a link to her website https://takingcarababies.com. I used some of her methods in the very beginning to lay a healthy sleep foundation. Then at 5 months we did sleep training which really only took 1 night. But this lady is a retired NICU nurse and is married to a pediatrician, she uses evidence based research for her approaches. Her advice for baby sleep is just priceless. 

So there you have it. It's just a few of my favorite items to have for the newborn stage. Leave me a comment and let me know which is your favorite newborn product that's a must for you. I would love to know, for when the time comes for baby #2 :).


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