My Transition From Pre to Post Baby Fitness

Oh how my workout routine has changed within these last few years. It has definitely been a challenge and an adjustment both mentally and physically. I never really went through any crazy weight changes outside the normal changes of pregnancy. However, my body did change and that is so normal :)

Pre Baby ….

My workout routine was insane. I worked out about 6 days per week. Every workout I did was at least an hour but probably closer to an hour and a half and I would alternate between gym, spinning and hot yoga. Every workout was intense, I mean INTENSE. Gym days would involve lots of HIIT type of workouts and lots of weight lifting. Before getting pregnant I would say I was in the best shape I’ve been in, in a very long time. Looking back at it now, I probably over did it a little. Too much of a good thing is not always beneficial to your body and health.

Pregnancy ….

Thankfully my pre-pregnancy prep and staying active and working out during all of my pregnancy, kept me in great shape throughout my whole pregnancy. Let me tell you though, once I got preggo, I felt so tired and most days so unmotivated to workout but I knew I had to keep doing it for my health and my baby’s health. I stuck to mostly gym workouts, and took it down a notch, WAY down a notch. I was too worried to even do any kind of workouts that included jumping or lifting heavy weights, I know it’s crazy. They say to keep doing the same workouts that you were doing prior to getting pregnant. I was just overly cautious.

To the day of my delivery, I was very active. I remember I was getting ready to go to the gym one morning. It was a week before my actual due date when my doctor called and said it’s best that I got induced that day, for other reasons I can share in another post. 

Post Baby ….

This was and still is at times the hardest season in my life to keep my fitness going. After having a baby, you are so exhausted and sleep deprived, that just thinking about working out is exhausting in itself. After I was cleared to workout I started very slow. My new “gym” was my home gym. I already had the basic dumbbells, resistance bands and jump rope. I “invested” in a stepper because you can do so much more by incorporating that into your workouts, and it doesn't take up as much space as a bench. I just took it one day at a time. If I was up all night and was so sleep deprived the next day then I wouldn’t push it the next day, I would listen to my body, rest and take it easy. I would do a lot of walking with my baby in the neighborhood. As time went on, I got more sleep, and my home workouts became better, stronger and easier. My body slowly started to tone up. I didn’t go back to my exact “pre baby body” I’m not expecting that, and I’m ok with that. My body has "changed" and that is completely normal.

I’m so happy where I’m at now. My workout routine includes approximately three to four home workouts that are only 20-30 minutes long and one gym day (if I'm lucky) that’s an hour long per week. My workouts are short but they are enough to keep my muscles strong and my mental well being healthy. The days I don’t workout I try to stay active and take longer walks with my baby. And if the weather is nice, I'll do a run instead of a walk. When I do workout, it’s always during the time my baby is napping. So no matter the situation you’re in, find the time to workout and keep yourself healthy. Whether that is waking up a bit early and doing a workout before your kid is up or squeezing it in during nap time, just find what works for you .... and you will if you try. Going from my daily crazy-intense workouts to 20 minute workouts at home has definitely been hard to accept and adjust to. But it’s still so effective even with the 20 minutes per day. And, when I am short on time, I tend to do an even harder workout.


How I Stay Motivated to Workout


Home Gym Must Haves