All About Sugar
Why is sugar so bad and which sugars to avoid?
Sugar is detrimental to our health! Not only is it a contributing factor to diabetes but it weakens our immune system, ages us faster and causes neurological problems later in life such as dementia and Alzheimers. Sugar is also extremely addicting. It is even more addicting than drugs like cocaine and heroin. There was a study done with rats, if the rats pressed one lever they would get a dose of cocaine and by pressing another lever they would be supplied with sugar water. Nearly most of the rats preferred the sugar water over the drug. Sugar binds to the same receptors in the brain that drugs like cocaine bind to, which is why it is so addictive.
Sugar lowers our immune system because it competes with vitamin C in our cells. The more sugar we have in cells the less vitamin C there is and our ability to fight infections decreases. Don’t forget we are unable to create our own vitamin C and we need to get it from our diet or supplements. Sugar also impairs white blood cells ability to fight infections. It literally paralyzes the white blood cells. So don’t drink that orange juice in the morning, it is not beneficial to your health at all. That OJ is full of sugar and has none of the fiber. One of the reasons why fasting (or intermittent fasting) is so beneficial to our health is it increases the ability of white blood cells to fight infections.